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Why Us

Online One Dollar Store, Your Wholesale Stationery Gift Shop
We understand how most consumers face the issue of trying to find a trusted supplier to supply in bulk. At One Dollar Only, we have crafted a simple solution to cater to Singaporeans’ needs. All gifts from $1. For more than 20 years, we have been Singapore’s trusted supplier for wholesale stationery and gifts.
At One Dollar Only, we are Singapore's most affordable wholesale stationery shop. What has made us so affordable is because we produce in bulk. By directly importing our goods from our factories, it has allowed us to obtain economies of scale.
Read More About One Dollar Only SingaporeThe Dollar Blog
The Why Behind Gift Giving | Corporate Gifts
Occasions to Send Corporate Gifts
Corporate gifts are an important part of any business relationship. They can be tricky, but they don’t have to be. Use this guide to discover corporate gift ideas and the right occasions to give them.
Custom Lunch Box Gift Ideas In Singapore
Corporate Gift Printing Methods Explained
Corporate gifts are an effective marketing tool for improving brand awareness, boosting employee morale, and maintaining customer loyalty. Learn more about how these are made and discover corporate gift printing methods through this guide!
4 Tips On Choosing Corporate Gift Supplier
Good Old Days: All About Pick Up Sticks
The pickup sticks game is more than what it seems - learn about the pick up sticks’ history, how to play, and where to buy pick up sticks in Singapore for yourself and your friends.